Most people will agree that, when it comes to insects with wings, ladybugs and butterflies are one of the only ones that are cute and tolerable. Flies, mosquitos, moths, wasps—most of these winged creatures are not only a nuisance to humans, but can be quite harmful to humans and their properties, posing real threats to their lives.


  • Most flying insects have three distinct body segments: the head, thorax, and abdomen. They also typically have six legs and two antennae.

    Flying insects in this category have two pairs of wings, although some species have reduced or modified wings. Their colors can vary widely, ranging from iridescent, brightly colored butterflies to more cryptic, earth-toned beetles or flies. Many flying insects have large compound eyes that provide them with excellent vision, crucial for navigating during flight.

  • The diet of flying insects varies widely depending on their species, going from flowers’ nectar and plants’ leaves, other insects and decaying organic matter to being parasites and laying their eggs on or inside other insects, which will serve as hosts for their developing larvae.

  • The life cycle begins when the female lays eggs, typically in a suitable environment for the young to develop. These eggs can be laid singly or in clusters, depending on the species. After hatching from the egg, the insect enters the larval stage. During this phase, it is usually characterized by worm-like or maggot-like appearance and focuses on growth and feeding.

    In the pupal stage, the insect undergoes a remarkable transformation. It encases itself in a protective structure (e.g., chrysalis or cocoon) and undergoes metamorphosis, where it undergoes significant changes in body structure and organs. This stage can last from days to months, depending on the species.

    Once the metamorphosis is complete, the flying insect emerges as an adult with fully developed wings and reproductive capabilities. The primary purpose of the adult stage is reproduction, and they often seek out mates and sources of food during this phase.


  • Flying insects inhabit a wide range of habitats, spanning terrestrial, aquatic, and even aerial environments. Their adaptability and diversity have allowed them to colonize and thrive in various ecosystems around the world.

    From rainforests to grasslands and from urban/sub-urban areas to ponds and lakes. You can find flying insects no matter where you are or what you are looking for.

  • Flying insects play crucial roles in ecosystems and the environment. Their activities and functions are diverse, and they contribute to various ecological processes.

    In some cases, they act as pollination agents that visit flowers to feed on nectar and pollen, facilitating fertilization and the production of fruits and seeds.

    In other cases, they play the role of predators and parasitoids, capturing and consuming other flying insects in mid-air or laying their eggs on or inside other insects, eventually killing them, which can help control pest populations.

  • While some flying insects do not pose that much harm to humans and are very important to the ecosystem, for being key roles in pollination and pest control, some of them can not only be deadly but also cause damage to crops and properties and spread terrible diseases.


Keep your home and surroundings clean. Regularly clean up food crumbs, spills, and food residues, seal trash containers tightly, dispose of garbage regularly, and make sure outdoor trash bins have secure lids. It’s also important to inspect your home for potential entry points for flying insects, such as gaps around windows and doors, cracks in walls, or damaged screens. In case there are gaps, seal them with weatherstripping, caulk, or mesh screens to prevent insects from getting inside.

You can also install screens on windows and doors to keep insects out while allowing fresh air to circulate and keep outdoor areas well-maintained. Trim bushes, shrubs, and trees away from your home to prevent insects from using them as pathways indoors. It’s also good to eliminate standing water, as it can attract mosquitoes and other flying insects.

Store food in airtight containers to prevent access by pests and consider using pantry moth traps to prevent infestations of stored food products. Also, never forget to dust and vacuum your home regularly to remove potential food sources and insect eggs or larvae and to pay special attention to areas where crumbs and food particles tend to accumulate.

You might also want to try natural repellent plants like lavender, citronella, and marigolds in your garden or around entrances, as they can help repel certain flying insects.


Detecting a flying insect infestation early is essential to prevent it from becoming a more significant problem. The most obvious sign of a flying insect infestation is seeing an unusually high number of these insects in or around your home. It’s important to pay attention to specific areas where insects tend to congregate, such as near light sources, food storage areas, or garbage bins. Some insects like flies and mosquitoes may leave droppings on surfaces, particularly near their breeding or resting areas. These droppings can be small, dark specks, so these can be a sign of an infestation.

Look for the presence of larvae or pupae, which are often found near the source of the infestation. The larvae can vary in appearance depending on the insect but are generally worm-like in shape. Another sign would be visible damage, seeing that some insects—like moths—make holes in clothing or fabric. Or termites, which can cause structural damage to wood.

Certain flying insects, like fruit flies or drain flies, can emit unpleasant odors. These smells may be noticeable in areas where the infestation is concentrated, so that could be a significant sign as well. You may can inspect potential nesting or breeding sites for flying insects too, which can include checking potted plants, drains, gutters, or any standing water sources.

In case you install sticky traps or monitoring devices, you can keep checking them in order to see if the traps capture and help identify the insects present in the vicinity.

Finally, if you're still unable to identify the source or extent of the infestation, the best option would be to hire a professional pest control expert. They have the knowledge and tools to assess your situation accurately.


Eliminating a flying insect infestation typically involves a combination of preventive measures, sanitation practices, and targeted treatments. The specific approach you should take depends on the type of flying insects you're dealing with. So the first step you must take is to determine the type of flying insect causing the infestation. This will help you choose the most appropriate methods for elimination.

After identifying the species, you can determine and eliminate factors that attract the insects to your home. This may include keeping food stored properly, repairing water leaks, sealing cracks and gaps, and maintaining good sanitation practices. By cleaning your home thoroughly, you can remove any existing infestation and discourage further breeding. Focus on areas where the insects are commonly found, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and trash disposal areas.

Another thing you can do is set up traps or sticky paper near areas where the flying insects are a problem or consider using natural remedies like essential oils, vinegar, or herbal sachets to deter the pests. These can be particularly effective against certain types of flies and moths. Another alternative is the use of insecticides or chemical treatments, in case the infestation is severe or persistent. Follow label instructions carefully, and use the appropriate insecticide for the specific insect species.

For flying insects like mosquitoes and flies, you can use aerosol sprays, insect foggers, or electric bug zappers in outdoor areas. And if the infestation is extensive or difficult to control on your own, consider hiring a professional pest control service. They have the expertise and access to specialized treatments to effectively eliminate flying insect infestations.


At Axon Extermination, we’ll make sure to understand and assess your needs. Book your free, zero-obligation consultation today for a customized estimate for your specific needs.